Saturday comes along and we bundle up to play with Bodie, the Border Collie mix that we were puppy-sitting, in the four inches of fresh snow. We were enjoying some hot chocolate and folding freshly laundered clothes when Ben hands me a piece of paper. It's got a photo of a tall building and a check-in time. The bag is packed, the dog is returned safely home, and in true Glass Adventure Style, we took a roll of film. We drove ten minutes into the downtown that is Columbus, Ohio... and we got lost. After dominating the one way streets, we find the majestic Hyatt and stroll right up to the check-in counter ready to be pampered. “I'm sorry, sir, it looks like you've made reservations at the other Hyatt.... It happens all the time.”
We left the fancy hotel, a little weary of what we may find at the next one. More one way streets lead us just miles from our house to the Columbus Convention Center. We pulled up to the front door and were greeted by hundreds of middle aged women with ribbons adorning their necks and baskets on their arms; the Longaberger Leader Conference was the same weekend as our one year anniversary. We recognized this mob of boisterous mom's dressed head to toe in red and yellow; they filled the streets the week we moved into Columbus. Encountering them a second time was no less terrifying.
Round two at the check-in desk and we are surrounded by groups of high school kids laughing and playing games. Their conference was more difficult to pinpoint. A sign informed us that the Model United Nations was being held the next morning. Ben told me he had requested a room with a view, and as our keys were printed out, we were pleased with the 1944 printed on them. The window ran the width of the giant room, providing a 19th story view of south downtown Columbus.
Somehow we managed to steer clear of the two conferences and enjoyed some chocolate covered strawberries and champagne as we watched the sun (which we hadn't seen in two weeks), go down over the city.
We made reservations at a fancy Italian restaurant just down the road – Martini's – where I enjoyed a fabulous ravioli and listened to Ben's endless wine analogies. “it's like (swirl), I'm on a plane – (sniff, sip, swallow), the take off was exciting, but not as good as the ride....(repeat), I am sad that I've landed...”
A brisk walk back to the hotel and I enjoyed a margarita while we watched a movie high over the city. We woke up to more snow, but enjoyed it from a new 19th story perspective as individual flakes fell onto the windowsill. They really are all different! It was a perfect little get away for two people who didn't have much time to get away, and so carefully planned by my sweet, sweet husband. I care more about this man than I ever thought possible, and he loves and serves me more than I could ever have hoped for. Here's to years more, Ben Glass.